Few Candidates Decline Job Offer in HK

Few Candidates Decline Job Offer in HK
Jobsdb content teamupdated on 30 June, 2010

Comparing with other regions, the proportion of employers in Hong Kong experiencing candidates declining job offers is lower.

According to the Hudson Report Asia Q3 2010 released by recruitment consultant Hudson, the proportion of employers in Hong Kong who have received job offer refusals is relatively low. The survey finds that 26% of respondents said they have often or sometimes experienced candidates declining job offers. The percentage is much lower than that in other markets in Asia. In mainland China, the percentage is 45%. It is reported that only 6% of respondents in the mainland said they have had no offer refusals during the last six months. In Singapore, 40% of respondents said candidates have declined their job offers during the last six months.

The most important reason for candidates to refuse job offers is a decision to accept an offer from another company. The survey has found that in all job sectors in Hong Kong, 74% of respondents mentioned this factor. Other reasons include counter offers from candidates’ present employers (47%) and expectations of higher salaries (44%).

The survey was conducted in May this year, covering more than 1,500 key decision makers from multinational organizations of all sizes in all major industry sectors in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore.


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